How to Create an NPS Survey in HubSpot

how to: create an NPS survey in hubspot
September 26, 2024

Do you really understand what your customers think of your company? 

Without surveying, it can be a guessing game. To truly understand how satisfied your customers are, you need to utilize surveys to get direct feedback. This can tell you what you’re doing right, and what you’re doing wrong. With direct, honest feedback, you can make changes to improve. 

While there are a ton of different ways you can survey customers, one simple survey reigns supreme: the NPS Survey. 

What Are NPS Surveys?

An NPS Survey, also known as a Net Promoter Score Survey, is a survey that measures customer loyalty based on one question:

“On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?” 

Based on the response to this question, customers are categorized into three groups: 

  • Promotors (Scores 9-10): These customers are loyal, will continue to buy products or use your services, and recommend your company to others.
  • Passives (Scores 7-8): These customers are satisfied with your company, but didn’t have a perfect experience and are at risk of switching to a competitor. 
  • Detractors (Scores 0-6): These customers are unhappy with your products or services, and could damage your reputation through reviews or word-of-mouth. 

How Are NPS Scores Calculated? 

NPS surveys are calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. This means you can have a score of -100 to +100. The higher the NPS score, the higher the level of satisfaction your customers have. 

For example, let’s say your NPS survey resulted with 60% of customers as promoters, 10% as passives, and 40% as detractors. To calculate, you would subtract 40 from 60, resulting in an NPS score of +20. 

What is a Good NPS Score? 

A good NPS survey result can vary by industry, but here are some standards you can follow: 

  • Score of +50 or higher: This is typically considered excellent and signifies high customer satisfaction. 
  • Score of +30 to+50: This is considered good, and your customers are typically happy, but there can be room for improvement. 
  • Score of 0 to +30: This is considered decent, but the number of detractors is close to the amount promoters. You likely have a lot of customers who feel neutral about you and should look into improving your customer experience. 
  • Score of 0 or below: A score this low should be a cause for concern, and a significant number of customers are unhappy. 

Use these guidelines as a base, but always do research to determine your industry’s NPS benchmarks. For example, grocery stores typically have a much higher benchmark than health insurance companies.  

Why Use HubSpot’s NPS Surveys 

Companies should use HubSpot’s NPS Surveys to get direct and actionable feedback from customers. It is an easy, measurable method that tracks customer satisfaction and loyalty. As you continually survey customers, you can identify issues with your products, services, or customer experience and fix them before they become a larger issue. 

Sending your NPS surveys in HubSpot is great because it is fully integrated with the HubSpot CRM, so all of your data is in one place. You can leverage HubSpot’s automation tools, notifying your team of detractors or enrolling customers into nurture workflows. If you’re already using HubSpot, it’s a no brainer! 

How to Create an NPS Survey in HubSpot 

Note: Before you create an NPS Survey, you must have access to Service Hub Professional or higher.

Here are the steps you need to take to create and publish an NPS Survey in HubSpot: 

  • Click on Automations from the sidebar menu 
  • Click on Surveys 
  • Click the orange Create Survey button 
  • Scroll to the bottom and click Customer Loyalty
  • Click Next 
  • Select if you’d like to create an email survey or a web page survey. We recommend using the email method. 
  • Click Next 
  • Next, choose your email settings, including: 
    • Survey language 
    • Company Name 
    • Company URL 
    • Email From Name 
    • Email From Address 
    • Subject Line 
  • Next, you can modify the email body. Since this is an industry-standard survey, you are limited in what you can change, but you can update the greeting and add personalization tokens. 
  • Next, you can update the theme with a featured image or logo, as well as any colors used in the email. 
  • Next, click on the Feedback tab on the top. 
  • Here, you can update your feedback questions for detractors, passives, and promoters. 
  • Once you’re done, click the Thank You tab at the top. 
  • On the page, you can update the featured image, header text, and body text of the thank you page. 
  • Next, click the Recipients tab. 
  • First, choose who will get the survey. You can choose a static list, contact property criteria, or anyone who has been marked as a customer for more than 30 days. 
  • Scroll down to choose when the survey is sent–either when the criteria is met, or after a specified delay. 
  • Finally, you can choose how often you want the survey to be sent. 
    • Select recurring if your customers engage with your company regularly 
    • Select one-off if you typically have one-and-done customers
  • Next, click on Automation at the top. 
  • Select who on your team should receive notifications of new survey responses 
  • You can also set up survey reminder emails for contacts who did not take it after a certain number of days. 
  • Finally, you can add automation for follow-up actions based on the survey response. For example, you might add a task for the contact owner to reach out. 
  • When you’re done, click Review and Publish
  • Click Publish to finalize the survey 

how likely is it that you would recommend hivehouse digital to a friend of colleague?

After your NPS Survey has been published and you have received responses, you can view the responses and analytics on the survey page. 

Get HubSpot Help from Hivehouse Digital 

NPS Surveys are just one of the many tools available in HubSpot. If you need help putting your survey together, creating workflows, or just getting your account optimized, the team at Hivehouse Digital can help. As a HubSpot Partner Agency, we’re in HubSpot all day, every day. 

Schedule a free discovery call to learn more about how we can help.

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Chris BeecherOwner